Cooling System Coverage
Your home air conditioning system is vital to maintaining your comfort throughout the long summer months. You are responsible for all aspects of the maintenance and repair of your central air conditioning system, which can be costly and time-consuming. The HAHA Cooling System Service Plan covers any repairs and some plans include a free annual tune-up to ensure you are cool and relaxed all summer long.
Our complete HVAC Service Plan Benefits include
- 24-Hour Emergency Service Hotline – Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ready to respond to your call.
- No Cost for Covered Repairs – All costs are covered for replacing or repairing the covered heating system emergency, up to your specific coverage limits per service call.
- Unlimited Service Calls per year – You can make unlimited service calls per year, covering labor, materials, permits and tax ($3,000 service charge limit on each visit with a $6,000 annual limit).
- Priority Response – A licensed and insured local contractor will make your repair a priority.
- High-Quality Work – One-year guarantee on all permanent repairs.
- $100 Service Call Fee
Coverage starts 30 days after acceptance of application by HAHA and receipt of applicable contract fees. Your coverage may begin before 30 days if HAHA receives proof of prior coverage, showing no lapse of coverage, though another carrier within 15 days of the order date.
All service agreements are for one year. A service agreement contract with full Terms and Conditions will be sent to you.
You may choose to cancel your Plan at any time.
If the Plan is canceled for any reason before the one year, HAHA will refund the Plan price paid by the Customer, less administrative fees, and the cost of any services and parts provided by HAHA. HAHA can cancel the Plan without notice (and seek full recovery of its damages from Customer) if the Customer fails to pay the Plan price in a timely manner, has made a material misrepresentation, or has substantially breached his/her duties relating to the Equipment or its use. Any repairs or services provided after any cancellation of the Plan will be billed at the same cost that a customer would pay who is not covered by a Plan.
(Heating, Water Heating and Cooling)
What we provide and cover: This residential Protection Plan (“Plan”) is between you (“Customer”) and H.A.H.A. Group, Ltd. (“HAHA”), with an address at P.O. Box 813 Syosset, NY 11791. This Plan is available for residential customers located in one-to-three family homes whose Equipment (as defined below) is used primarily for residential purposes. The Plan provides coverage for (a) gas-fired central heating equipment with an hourly input no greater than 400,000 BTUs, covering no more than 3 heating zones, (b) gas or electric water heating equipment with an hourly input no greater than 95,000 BTUs, and (c) electrical central air conditioning condensing equipment no greater than five tons (collectively, Equipment). All Equipment must meet state and local installation codes.
WHEN SERVICE STARTS: Coverage under this plan will commence thirty (30) after HAHA’s receipt of payment together with a copy of the Enrollment Form signed by You. If you purchased this Plan subsequent to an initial repair visit Your coverage will commence immediately upon HAHA’s receipt of payment. The term of this Plan is for a period of one (1) year, subject to renewal as provided here. The Equipment must be in good operating condition on the day the Plan takes effect. The Plan does not cover pre-existing conditions. HAHA reserves the right to make on on-site inspection of the Equipment before accepting the Equipment for coverage under the Plan.
HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Customers can obtain service under the Plan by calling 1-844-GET-HAHA. HAHA’s call center is available during business hours, Monday – Friday. HAHA will perform service under the Plan seven days a week during the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
For Premiere PLUS Plans ONLY: Heating Tune-ups must be scheduled and completed between February 1 and September 30 and air conditioning Tune-ups between March 1 and May 31. If a customer requests a Tune-up outside these time periods, we will impose an extra charge of $99. To schedule a Tune-up, you must call HAHA at 1-844-GET-HAHA. If in the first year of your contract, your Service Plan was packaged with your initial service visit, that service visit will serve as your seasonal Tune-up and you will not be eligible for another Tune-up until the following scheduling period.
OUR ONE YEAR WARRANTY: If we replace a covered part during the coverage period of this Plan that fails within One year from the date of installation as a result of being defective or due to improper installation you must call 1-844-GET-HAHA within 30 days from the failure and we will provide a one-time replacement at no charge to you.
CUSTOMER’S RIGHT TO CANCEL THE PLAN: You may cancel Your Plan at any time and receive a pro-rata refund, less any claims paid or Tune-ups provided.
OUR RIGHT TO CANCEL THE PLAN: HAHA reserves the right to cancel any Plan on fifteen (15) days advance written notice sent to Customer’s last known address, if customer fails to provide access to the Equipment, if Customer fails to service or replace any parts necessary to maintain the Equipment in good working order, of if HAHA determines that the Equipment is unserviceable at the time of HAHA’s first inspection of the Equipment, the Equipment does not qualify under the Plan, there are unsafe working conditions at Customer’s premises, or the Equipment is not being used for its intended purpose. If the Plan is cancelled for any of the above reasons, HAHA will refund the Plan price paid by the Customer, less the cost of any services and parts provided by HAHA. HAHA can cancel the Plan without notice (and seek a full recovery of its damages from Customer) if the Customer fails to pay the Plan price in a timely manner, has made a material misrepresentation, or has substantial breached his/her duties relating to the Equipment or its use. Any repairs or services provided after any cancellation of the Plan will be billed at the same cost that a customer would pay who is not covered by a Plan.
PLAN RENEWALS: Prior to the expiration of the term of the selected Plan, Customer will be sent a renewal notice advising Customer that the Plan is expiring and that payment isrequired to renew the Plan and ensure continuous coverage. Monthly credit card customers will not receive a renewal invoice and will be automatically renewed. If Customer does not wish to renew the Plan, Customer must advise HAHA before the expiration date by calling 1- 844-GET-HAHA. The Plan will be renewed upon receipt of payment. HAHA reserves the right to change prices at the time of renewal.
CONDITIONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL: HAHA will not be responsible for anydelays caused by its failure to obtain necessary parts or render appropriate services on account of, or due to, weather conditions, the acts of governmental entities, strikes or other labor difficulties, acts of war, or other causes or circumstances beyond HAHA’s reasonable control. In addition, HAHA shall not bear the cost of repairs or replacements due to vandalism, abuse, misuse, neglect, modifications not performed by HAHA, improper or insufficient maintenance by others, or any other cause beyond HAHA’s control. Customer is responsible for all freight and shipping charges incurred when the company is required to acquire replacement parts from out of state sources.
OUR LIMITED LIABILITY: HAHA’s maximum liability under this plan shall not exceed the annual price paid by Customer to HAHA. HAHA shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damages of any nature, such as Customer’s loss or use of its facilities, loss of revenues, loss of anticipated profits, or the cost of replacement heat, water, or air conditioning. Unlimited service calls per year, $3000 service charge limit per visit with a $6000 annual limit.
OTHER ITEMS: This Plan contains the entire understanding of HAHA and Customer with respect to the subject matter hereof. HAHA may modify this Plan unilaterally at any time. Customer may not assign the Plan without the written consent of HAHA. Any action brought under the Plan shall be commenced in an appropriate court located in Nassau County, New York, without regard f to its principles of conflicts of law. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. HAHA may assign all or any part of the Plan without the Customers consent, upon notice to any entity that agrees in writing to assume HAHA’s obligations. Should any provision in this Plan be deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of the Plan. The headings contained in the Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
PARTS COVERAGE: A complete list of parts covered by this Agreement is found herein. Interchangeable parts will be used when exact parts are not available. Guaranteed rebuilt/remanufactured parts may be used by the administrator, HAHA, at HAHA’s discretion; all such rebuilt/remanufactured parts will be covered by the warranty included. HAHA will not install a replacement part if either (i) HAHA is unable to obtain a specific part or an acceptable interchangeable alternate part or (ii) the removal of the defective part or the installation of a replacement part could do damage to the Equipment or create an unsafe condition.
EXCLUSIONS: Unless previously listed, all other parts are not covered under any Plan. Unless HAHA provides its prior written approval, work performed (parts and/or service) by any person or entity other than HAHA is not covered under any Plan. In addition, all Plans specifically exclude labor and materials for cleaning furnaces, steam systems, boiler water tubes and tankless water heater heaters, or for the replacement of furnaces, boilers, boiler sections, humidifiers, air cleaners and inground oil tanks. All Plans also exclude any service that involves sheet metal work. The Plans do not cover any materials, parts or labor required as a result of unusual circumstances, including, but not limited to, floods, fire, freezing, natural disaster, civil disobedience, riot, war, equipment abuse or the like. Customers are responsible for ordinary maintenance of their Equipment including, but not limited to, the replacement of thermostat batteries and air filters, the adjustment of air registers, neuron electrostatic air cleaners, media filters and the lubrication of motors. Air Conditioning coverage under the Premiere Cooling, Premiere Heating and Full-Service Plans does not include compressors, condensers, condenser coils, evaporators/A-Coils (including cleaning), electrical wiring, and the repair of non-visible refrigerant leaks.
Your residential Service Plan protects you against costs associated with common repair or service calls for your heating and/or central A/C system(s). Coverage ensures that you will receive prioritized service in the event of a system breakdown. Below you will find a list of what’s covered under the Standard and Premiere plans. For additional information, including a list of what is not covered, please see inside.
Heating Plans
Covered Parts: Air Eliminator (#67) Aqua stat and Wells, Automatic Water Feeder, A&B Valves, Barometric Diverter, Belts, Blower Motor, Burner Motor (induced draft), Belt Drive Blower, Wheel Cage (no bearings), Capacitors, Circulator Motor, Circulator Pump, Clutch Coupling and Impeller (Limit 2), Direct Drive Bower Wheel (no bearings), Drain-Off Valves, Drain Valve on Low Water Cut-Off, Electrical Switches (house heater only), Electronic Spark Pack, Extrol Tanks, Fan and Limit Controls, Filtrol Tanks, Flame Sensors, Flame Spreaders, Flue Pipe Sleeves, Gas Controls, Gas Valves, Gauge Glass and Washers, Generator Lead, Horizontal Diverters, Limit Controls, Low Water Cut-Off, Motorized Flue Damper, Pigtail, Pilot Burner, Pilot Safeties, Pressure Differential Switch, Pressure Gauge, Pressure Relief Valve, Regulators, Relays, Ignition Electrodes, Ignition Rods, Ignition Wire, Spill Switch, Steam Pop Safety Valves, Steam Pressure Control, Thermocouple, Thermostat, Transformers, Vertical Diverters, Zone Valve Heads (only if no water work is involved)
Water Heater – Drain Valve, Electrical Water Heating Element, Flame Rollout Switches, Flue Piping (galvanized only), Pilot Orifice, Pilot Tubing, T&P Relief Valve, Unitrol (water heaters).
Limitations: HAHA will pay no more than $3,000 for diagnosis, repair or replacement of any oil-fired heating or hot water system.
HAHA will not replace a full Air or Heating system whether gas or oil for the first twelve months of your coverage.
Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Residents HAHA will pay a maximum of $2,500 on Heating/Cooling system repairs or replacements of a unit if needed.
Cooling Plans
Covered Parts: Air Conditioning Thermostats, All safety Limits, Blower Motor, Circuit Boards, Clean and Repair Condensate Line (only if visible and accessible), Condensate Pumps, Condenser Coil Cleaning, Condenser Fan Motors and Fan Blades, Contactor Relays, Direct Drive Blower Wheel (no bearings), Dryer Filters, Electric Switches (A/C only), External Crank Case Heaters, Fuses, Hard Start Kits (original equipment only), High and Low Pressure Switches, Motor Contactors, Run and Start Capacitors, Service Port Valve Caps, Sight Glasses, Thermal Expansion Valves, Time Delay Controls, Transformers, Valve Cores (Schrader Type), Visible Refrigerant Leaks.
NOTE: HAHA will pay up to $20 per pound per occurrence for refrigerant. Customer is responsible for payment of any costs in excess of $20 per pound.
Premiere Plans
Premiere Heating
In addition to the terms of the Heating Premiere Plan, we will perform one annual tune-up checking the following equipment on Your Heating System:
Safeties and controls;
Thermostat and burner operation;
Pilot/pilot sensor;
Gauge glass and flush low water cut off;
Filter(s) and belts;
Flue pipe and chimney draft;
Oil motors and pumps.
Premiere Cooling
In addition to the terms of the Cooling Premiere Plan, we will perform one annual tune-up checking unit operation (condensing and blower/coil), lubricate the fan and motor units, clean and repair condensate line (If visible and accessible), inspect all wiring and electrical connections, and replace (customer-provided) air filters.
In addition:
Inside (Blower & Indoor Coil):
Check: evaporator temperature differential, main drain and drain pan
Inspect: piping connections, filters, belts and pulley Outside (Outdoor Condensing Unit);
Check: amperage, operating and safety controls
Inspect: coil, contact, relays, compressor, fan blades, fuses and circuit breakers
Full Service Heating & Cooling
The Full-Service Heating and Cooling Plan includes all the terms listed above, including one annual tune-up for your heating and central A/C system.
See inside for details on your coverage and terms and conditions of the plan(s).
Call 1-844-GET-HAHA for service.
Optional coverage begins upon receipt of option fee by HAHA and continues though the contract term. Optional coverage may be purchased up to 60 days after the contract effective date. After the 60th day, optional coverage may be purchased provided an inspection is performed (at customers’ expense) and approved by HAHA.